Report 2022-08-24

Groundwater Protection Priorities for the Walsh Property Master Plan to Sustain Long Term Drinking Water Availability and Quality


Because of the importance of the Walsh property to the water supply, the goals of the Walsh Master Plan should account for sustained drinking water protection for Truro and Provincetown. The Pamet Lens is the sole source of municipal drinking water for the Towns of Truro and Provincetown, and the Walsh property sits near the apex of the water table. To date, adjacent municipal wells at North Union Field supplying almost half of the municipal water have enjoyed an intrinsic land use protection due to the siting of the wells in undeveloped lands drawing from the highest water level of the Pamet Lens. This has resulted in drinking water with an unimpacted level of nitrates on the order of 0.3 to 0.5 mg/L. The water system, in addition to serving Provincetown, also serves Beach Point, parts of North Truro, the Public Safety Facility, and Truro Central School.

A summary hydrogeologic evaluation is provided, concluding that groundwater from the entirety of the Walsh property flows to the North Union Field wells, in large part due to the pressure exerted on the water table by these high production-rate wells. A summary analysis of possible increased demand for water pumping is also provided, with implications for the protection of the future water supply, and possible well sitings. Specific findings and recommendations are provided.

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